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This is what we can do for you…



Through consultation, Absolute Cloud Solutions customises the most appropriate, cost effective solution based on each customer's specific network and IT needs.



Absolute Cloud Solutions provides all physical components including hardware and operating system software at a competitive price. Only quality component brands are utilised.



All hardware and software components included in the customer's tailored package are tested and then installed and configured to specification.



Absolute Cloud Solutions provides after sales, Microsoft certified product support on all hardware and software solutions it is responsible for installing. This support function includes pre and post sales training services for users on various computer related functions.



Absolute Cloud Solutions offers value for money monthly maintenance and support agreements.


Industrial PC's:

Absolute Cloud Solutions is an importer and supplier of specialised industrial computers and peripherals.



Absolute Cloud Solutions offers professional IT consulting services and superior project management.



Absolute Cloud Solutions is a trading division of Challenge IT cc.